Run for the Ribbons Inc. presents
The Florida Thoroughbred Transformation Expo
at the Florida Horse Park – March 24-26th 2017
The Florida Thoroughbred Transformation Exposition is presented by the charitable organization Run For The Ribbons Inc. who dedicates themselves to providing off- track Thoroughbreds (OTTB) the foundation needed to ensure a smooth transition into their next career and home.
The Florida Thoroughbred Transformation Expo will be held on March 24-26, 2017 at the Florida Horse Park in Ocala, Florida. It will feature eight disciplines composed of off-track Thoroughbreds within two years of their racing or race training retirement. Expo events will also include a vendor fair/marketplace, educational seminars, and award ceremonies.
Goals and Mission
Run for the Ribbons Inc. hopes that the FL TB Transformation Expo will increase the demand of Thoroughbreds and encourage people to take on a “project horse”, because we know how versatile, intelligent, and honest a Thoroughbred is. We intend to educate the community on the versatility of the Thoroughbred breed. We also want to encourage the community and the Thoroughbred racing industry to further support our efforts, as well as other charitable organizations in Florida who also dedicate their time and resources to positively impact the lives of these horses.
Run for the Ribbons Inc. realizes that horse racing and Thoroughbred sales are a vital part in Florida’s economy, producing more than 2,000 Thoroughbred foals every year. Our goal is to create an outlet for the horses post racing. We also hope to encourage post-racetrack owners and trainers to pave the road to successful futures for these transformation horses through proper training techniques and strong foundations.
We anticipate over 100 horses, and aspire to have the FL TB Transformation Expo be the biggest and most anticipated OTTB annual event in Florida, proudly showcasing the many talents of Thoroughbreds and increasing their marketability in the Southeast. FL TB Transformation Expo will strive to provide a competitive, educational and fun environment to celebrate the Thoroughbred breeds that we love.
Horse Eligibility and Registration
To be Eligible for the 2017 FL TB transformation Expo all horses must meet all two requirements
To be Eligible for the 2017 FL TB transformation Expo all horses must meet all two requirements
1. All Thoroughbreds need to be tattooed and registered with The Jockey Club. (Jockey Club registered horses can be tattooed for $75; contact management for more information)
2. Thoroughbreds must have last raced or have a published work since October 1st 2014
*Exception* 3 YEAR OLD UNRACED THOROUGHBREDS ONLY!!!! Eligible if determined by show management. Conditions: Registered and tattooed Thoroughbred foals of 2014 may be eligible; must be approved by show management. Management will need to contact Breeder to acquire proof that foal was bred for Thoroughbred racing purposes to deem eligibility.
Registration Form will need to be filled out for every horse entering the Transformation Expo. Forms must be accompanied by registration entry-fee. Participants may register and pay online at , follow links to FL TB Transformation Expo or mail registration form and check to Run for the Ribbons Inc. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 1, 2016.
Run for the Ribbons Inc.
14650 NW Hwy 464B
Morriston, FL 32668
Coggins and Health Certificate- Competitors should be prepared to show proof of negative Coggins and Interstate Health Certificates (if shipping from out of state) to the staff at the mobile agricultural station upon arrival or any time during the show, as well as at the RRP show office.
Horse Show Fees
1. Registration/Entry-Fees- Entry fees per horse is $120 to be paid when application is submitted. Sent by check, credit card payment or paypal.
2. Second Discipline Fee- horses can compete in up to three disciplines. With a fee of $40 per discipline.
3. Stabling/Ship-in Fees- March 22th-26th 1 stall will cost $175. March 23rd-26th 1 stall will cost $140
Shipping in: for the horses that are not stabling on the grounds will be charged by the Florida Horse Park a flat fee of $20/day
4. Vendor Fees- to be determined for the March 24th -26th
5. RV Fees- $30/day & Primitive Camping- $10/day
6. “Horse for Sale” Back Number- This will show that your horse is for sale in the competition. $5 for a sale back number
Rule Changes
Run for the Ribbons Inc. may amend these rules at any time. If amendments are made all Expo participants will be notified of the changes within seven days.
Barrel Racing
Horse and rider will first be judge on a flat pattern. Rider & horse will demonstrate how well the horse turns with ease, stops, backs and changes leads.
The next pattern will be timed with a timer, and for any barrel knocked down, 5 seconds will be added to time.
The top 6 contestants will move on to the final round to compete for the prize money.
Equipment and Attire
Western saddle and tack is required, with rider in helmet and western attire.
Scoring & Awards
Horse and rider will be judged in two Level 2 dressage tests in an arena.
The top 6 contestants will move on to the final round to compete for the prize money.
Equipment and Attire
USEF rules for dress and equipment will be in effect. No double bridles.
Scoring & Awards
Working Ranch
Horse and rider will demonstrate the ability to perform basic skills used by ranch horses in everyday work with cattle. Skills tested will include a reining pattern, roping or penning and fence work.
The top 6 contestants will move on to the final round to compete for the prize money
Equipment and Attire
Western saddle and attire required.
Scoring & Awards
Show Jumper
Horse and rider will compete in a 2-phase competition. First a flat phase demonstrating basic skills. Second an over-fence jumper course, with a jump-off.
The top 6 contestants will move on to the final round to compete for the prize money
Equipment and Attire
Must be in accordance with the USEF Jumper Rules
Scoring & Awards
Show Hunter
Horse and rider will compete in two over-fence hunter courses as well as a flat phase. Heights offered will be 2’, 2’6” and 3’. During flat phase horse and rider must walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring.
The top 6 contestants will move on to the final round to compete for the prize money
Attire and Equipment
Must be in accordance with the USEF Hunter Division Rules
Scoring & Awards
Horse and rider will perform a dressage test up to USEF Beginner Novice Eventing level in an arena. The second phase will be an over-fence phase which will include a pattern including up to 5 show jumps, up to 8 cross country jumps and a final open gallop. Heights offered 2’, 2’6” and 3’.
The top 6 contestants will move on to the final round to compete for the prize money
Equipment and Attire
Must be in accordance with the USEF Rules for Eventing
Scoring & Awards
Horse and rider will perform in an agility test as well as demonstrating stick and ball work.
The top 6 contestants will move on to the final round to compete for the prize money
Equipment and Attire
Attire and equipment must be in accordance with the United States Polo Association rules
Scoring & Awards
Horse and rider may choose to perform in any discipline other than the other 7 offered for up to an 8 minutes performance. This can be a demonstration or routine showing the trainability, athleticism and/or talent of the horse.
Use of microphone available, as well as speakers to play music.
Contestants may use any material deemed safe and acceptable by show management for their performance.
The top 6 contestants will move on to the final round to compete for the prize money
Equipment and Attire
Attire and equipment must be safe and suitable for the general family crowd.
Scoring & Awards
Top Jr. and Top Amateur Awards
There will be a Top Amateur and Top Jr award given in each of the 8 disciplines at the awards ceremony. Winner will be determined by highest competition scores, starting after 6th place for the highest scored Amateur and Jr rider.
Prize Money Distribution
A Celebration of Thoroughbreds: Heart of a Thoroughbred Variety Show
A Celebration of Thoroughbreds: Heart of a Thoroughbred Variety Show will be an exclusive performance of a diverse group of seasoned OTTB’s. More details to be announced.
Drug Testing
2016 USEF Guidelines for Drugs and Medication will be in effect. Exhibitors acknowledge that they are subject to possible drug testing, and should a positive test result they will be eliminated from competition.
Some classes of drugs are allowed below certain levels, those amounts can be verified in the USEF guidelines.
Horse Welfare
Horse Protection Policy– When an owner/trainer enters a horse in the Transformation Expo he/she agrees to take responsibility for the horse’s well-being and to sell or place it in a responsible manner. If a horse is withdrawn, whether it is replaced by another horse or not, the owner/trainer will submit an online withdrawal form indicating the status of the horse. If any owner/trainer is found to have knowingly sent a horse entered in the Expo to a kill buyer or to a livestock auction to be sold for under $1,000, the trainer will be removed from the competition and be banned from participation in future Run for the Ribbons events.
Abuse and Neglect– Alleged instances of horse abuse or neglect during the training process or at the Expo will be investigated by Run for the Ribbons management and be grounds for elimination. Evidence of abuse or neglect during the event should be brought directly to the official show staff, or president of Run for the Ribbons Inc. Evidence of abuse or neglect affecting horses entered in the Expo before the event should be brought to Run for the Ribbons management by phone or email at or 774-328-1760.
Soundness– Judges in all disciplines are authorized to eliminate horses for unsoundness. Lame horses should not compete.
Body Condition– Any horse that arrives at the Expo with a Henneke Body Condition Score of 3.0 or less (out of 9) will not be allowed to compete. Eliminations based on this rule will be made only by the Expo Management Committee in consultation with a veterinarian.
All divisions will have two judges whose scores will be averaged. Scoresheets will be made available to competitors after the competition.
Judges may not judge competitors for whom they have served as coach, trainer, employer, or employee during the preceding thirty days. Judges will also not judge members of their immediate family.
All 8 disciplines will have a steward observing the competition and reporting rule violations. A Chief Steward will supervise the 8 stewards and serve as the final arbiter in cases of protest.
Stewards may not arbitrate issues involving competitors for whom they have served as coach, trainer, employer, or employee during the preceding thirty days. Stewards may also not arbitrate issues involving members of their immediate family.
Managing Staff
Members of the Run for the Ribbons Inc. Board of Directors, its staff, and contractors are eligible to participate in the Thoroughbred Transformation Exposition as owners/trainers as long as they do not serve in the capacity of judges or stewards. They may also serve as coaches, trainers, employees, or employers of participating Expo owners/trainers..
Any competitor may file a written protest at the Show Office alleging violation of rules or unfair treatment. Protests will be reviewed by the responsible parties and submitted to theChief Steward with input from relevant parties. The Chief Steward will respond as (s)he deems appropriate.Chief Steward with input from relevant parties. The Chief Steward will respond as (s)he deems appropriate.
Horse Registration FormRider/Trainer RegistrationTB Variety Registration